About Jessilyn Chen


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Meet Jessilyn


The Visionary Trailblazer of Real Estate and Philanthropy 

In the radiant tapestry of real estate, we find industry pioneers who redefine standards, creating legacies that transcend bricks and mortar. Among them is the illustrious Jessilyn Chen, the founder of Arktic Real Estate, whose journey is an inspiring amalgamation of relentless ambition, innovative foresight, and boundless compassion.

Diving into the Depths of Real Estate: 

Jessilyn, with a decade of experience, has skillfully navigated the luxurious landscapes of NYC properties, representing a beacon of hope for those traversing the competitive terrains of the industry. "Success isnʼt confined to networks; it blossoms from dedication and passion," Jessilyn elucidates, reflecting on her transformative journey from humble beginnings to establishing Arktic Real Estate, a renowned name in both residential and commercial services.

The Visionary Entrepreneur: 

Driven by high standards and visionary acumen, Jessilyn aims to catapult Arktic Real Estate into unprecedented echelons of success. "I envision Arktic as a powerhouse, a confluence of experience, service, and knowledge," she shares. Her commitment to maximizing her clients' profits and providing seamless integrations of services is palpable as she details her approach to unearthing the perfect market or off-market transactions for international buyers.

The Adventurous Philanthropist: 

Beyond the professional spectrum, Jessilyn's life is a myriad of adventures and philanthropic endeavors. A licensed scuba and rescue diver, an ardent animal lover, and a fervent horseback rider, she embraces life diversities with infectious zeal. "Each adventure fortifies my mental and physical resilience, allowing me to draw inspiration from the intricacies of nature," Jessilyn reveals, her eyes gleaming with the fervor of a true adventurer.
Her philanthropic journey is marked by profound compassion and unwavering commitment to making tangible differences in lives. "Volunteering for City Meals on Wheels and God Love We Deliver is my way of giving back, of extending my compassion to the community," she says. The sponsorship of three children is a testament to her boundless humanity, illuminating her multifaceted personality.

A Legacy in the Making: 

Jessilyn Chen is not merely a name; she is a living testament to what can be achieved with aspiration, relentless pursuit, and unyielding compassion. With every barrier broken, every benchmark set, and every path illuminated, Jessilyn is crafting a legacy that intertwines professional excellence with boundless humanity. "To be truly successful, one needs to treat life as a great adventure and accept every challenge that comes along," she concludes, her words resonating as a mantra for aspiring trailblazers across industries.
Her story continues to inspire, her vision continues to expand horizons, and her journey, marked by professional brilliance and humanistic values, continues to set the stage for future leaders in the real estate industry. In Jessilyn Chen, we see not just a real estate mogul but a visionary entrepreneur of change and a compassionate harbinger of hope.

Work With Us

With an international perspective, Arktic Real Estate skillfully assists clients globally, utilizing vast resources and direct involvement to provide customized solutions. Contact them today to find out how they can assist you!

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